Zoë Binetti aka zozoTransistorerforscht verkörperte Interfaces zwischen Musik, Berührung, Tanz, Licht, Installation und Skulptur.z. hat einen Master of Arts in zeitgenössischer Kunst (CAP) von der Hochschule der Künste Bern (HKB)und wurde international in Physical Theatre, Musikimprovisation, Butoh und Shiatsu ausgebildet.2021 wurde z. für die pIAR Residenz im crazinistArtistStudio in Kumasi, Ghana eingeladen. Dort begann sie die fortlaufende künstlerische Forschung Sensorial Theatre, welche in unterschiedlichen Kontexten in Ghana und in Europa Sensorische Orchestrierung anhand von Synästhetischen Praktiken ausprobiert. Unter anderem kollaboriert sie dafür mit Kunstschaffenden des blaxTARLINES Kollektives, situiert im Painting and Sculpture Departement der Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology in Kumasi. z. tourte 2021-2022 mit dem Solostück cast(s) - ein komisches Trauerritual für queere Ahnen (unter anderem in einem Krematorium, einem Wald, einem Estrich und an der ElbphilharmonieHamburg).Seit 2023 arbeitet z. an dem Projekt Water Tekno: eine auf Polyrhythmen basierende Exploration des Tanzes zwischen Material, Imagination und Kreatur. Das Projekt umfasst eine Serie von Performances, einen Dokumentarfilm, einen Tonträger und eine Ausstellung. z. ist zudem co-Kuratorin des Krema - Festival für Kunst im Krematorium Bern, betreibt einen YoutubeKanal an einer Schnittstelle zwischen Workouttutorial, Dokumentation und Videoperformance und unterrichtet bewegungsbasierte Performance Art, Butoh und Sensorial Theatre.
Zoë binetti aka zozoTransistor explores embodied interfaces between music, sculpture and something like dance.
z. has created around 300 site specific performances with a focus on putting her creation in service of the audiences relationship with a place.
in 2021 z. was selected for the pIAR residency at the crazinisTartisTstudiO in Kumasi, Ghana. That There she started to concretice her ongoing research in sensorial theatre, an approach that explores polysensual (sensorial) orchestration through synaesthetic practices. She has since composed a range of happenings in ghana, switzerland and the uk that invite participants to involve the interplay of all their senses into creating, relating and knowing.
since 2023 z. is working on the project Water Tekno - Speculative Tales of Relationality, in which she bases an exploration of the dance between material, imagination and creature on the polyrhythms of water drops drumming into buckets. The project started with a tour of performances in Switzerland and Ghana. Currently it is taking the shape of a durational performance/ exhibition and a music album.
In the Spring of 2024 Zoë Binetti and Ulla Deventer started the project Dinner for Horses and Humans in Akim Asafo, Ghana.
z. is co-corator of KREMA - festival for art in the crematorium Bern
she runs a YouTube channel at an intersection between workout tutorial, documentation and video performance
z. runs her own school where she teaches Butoh and movement based performance art and develops Sensorial Theatre pieces together with her students.
educational background:
z. has a master of arts (cap contemporary arts practice) from bern academy of the arts and has been trained in physical theatre at the bonts international clown school, in music improvisation by david darlings music for people programm, and in a shamanistic approach to dance by the school of movement medicine uk. Since 2007 she has been learning butoh from a wide range of teachers internationally and has assistet atsushi takenouchis work in switzerland from 2011-2017 (?).
in 2015 z. startet teaching butoh classes.
z. is co-corator of KREMA - festival for art in the crematorium Bern
she runs a YouTube channel at an intersection between workout tutorial, documentation and video performance
z. runs her own school where she teaches Butoh and movement based performance art and develops Sensorial Theatre pieces together with her students.
educational background
z. has a master of arts (cap contemporary arts practice) from bern academy of the arts and has been trained in physical theatre at the bonts international clown school, in music improvisation by david darlings music for people programm, and in a shamanistic approach to dance by the school of movement medicine uk. Since 2007 she has been learning butoh from a wide range of teachers internationally and has assistet atsushi takenouchis work in switzerland from 2011-2017 (?).