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MankransoSecondary School, Ghana


15. June 2023

Video Still: Josephine Ngmienvelu Kuuire

water tekno

Water Tekno Radio Piece

for Institut International de Recherche sur la Radio et la Magie




WATER TEKNO - Speculative Tales of Relationality

is a performative project between audio installation,  exhibition and research.  Points of departure are the permeable sculpturality and sound of water.

Paper sculptures (they retain theirs semi-fixed form through a process of soaking and evaporation) enter into speculative relationships with continuously morphing polyrhythms of water drops drumming into buckets. With time, the dance between mater and movement becomes a trance like contemplation on the plasticity of life.


The inspiration for this ongoing performative research into "Speculative Tales of Relationality" came from an experience I had with water sachets during my artist residency at pIAR in Kumasi, Ghana 2021: upon first encounter with these small plastic bags filled with drinking water I was outraged. How can something as "sacred" as water be contained in something as "evil" as plastic?

I was determined not to make use of them.

It wasen't long though till my ideals were overthrown by the necessity for a drink. Holding a water sachet in my hand for the first time, tearing open the edge of it with my teeth, sucking on it and half forgettingly letting it dangle from the side of my mouth once my thirst was quenched was a haptic, sensual experience, which transported me to imaginations of sucking at a mothers breast and falling asleep while doing so. The intimate experience with the object immediately changed the narrative I had had about it in my head.

For me, this experience forms the basis for speculating about other ways of relating and forming knowledge on the basis of immediacy and intimacy.


Performances/Installations/Sound Pieces

28. April 2023, Performance: Gurzelen Stadion Biel, by Cirque de Loin & Terrain Gurzelen,

29. April 2023, Performance: Blackhole Estate Festival, Liebefeld

13. May 2023, Perfromance: La Perle de Lac, Fete de la danse Geneve

15.&16. June 2023, Performance: Mankranso Secondary School, Ghana hosted by Sir Conscious Paul Lloyd Amegboe and team

19.June 2023, Performance: Kumasi Anglican Secondary School, Ghana hosted by Richmond Hammond and team
1. July - 16. August 2023, Performance and Exhibition: crazinisT artisT studiO, Eröffnung opening of group exhibition Before the Rain, curated by crazinistArtist, Evamaria Schaller and Anthony Greene
15. September 2023, Performance: Kientalerhof, Europeam Shiatsu Kongress Kiental
10. December 2023, Performance: Zoo Bar Bern, by Prefermusic Label Festival
12. January 2024, Radio Piece: IIRRM International Institute for Research in Radio and Magic

​12. January 2024, Performance: Irma Republik Worblaufen, by PULSAR Festival
12.-30. Juni 2024, Exhibition, research and durational performance: Zimmermannhaus Brugg AG, LabInLab Projekt


Group Show Before The Rain
water sachets, lights and television
crazinisT artisT studiO

Kumasi Ghana, July 2023
photo: Zoë Binetti

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Intimacy with plastic and water

Video still

Sensorial Theatre Video by Erykah Dellenbach 2022


Water Sachets and light, sculptures and masks

Opening of Before The Rain Group Exhibition

Performance Water Tekno

Video Still 2023

first try out with water sachets and lights

pIAR Kumasi Ghana, May 2022

video still zoë binetti



Zimmermannhaus Brugg Switzerland, June 2024

research performative installation



Video stills: Zoë Binetti

photo: Eliane leeli

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